About Donna

I created my website, DonnaPresents to share my ups and downs in making meditation a part of my life. By reading about my trials and tribulations, I hope you can learn from me how best to organize your thoughts, relax your mind, and overcome your doubts so that you, too, can stop stressing about the future and make things happen now!

I know how stressful and chaotic life can be, especially if you run your own business. As a perfectionist, over-thinker, and over-doer, I know that so many of my struggles are caused by the pressures I put upon myself.

Eventually, after a cancer scare, I decided it was time to stop holding myself back –  to live one day at a time! I was most fortunate to have a healthcare team who shared with me ways I could prioritize my mental well-being, let myself relax, and quit letting perfectionism get in the way of my goals.

The importance of taking care of my health through exercise, diet and yes, mind; and being financially viable are all paramount in my jounrey to wellness.

Meditation is the main way I keep myself grounded. But, from time-to-time, I find myself “slacking off” and falling back into my stressful self. Then, I remind myself to meditate – and to take several deep breaths.

I hope you, too, can take a few minutes to slow down, and breathe! After all, breathing is oh, so natural!

Just breathe!

Donna SLam

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